Web Links

www.ethnicharvest.org - Bibles in Your Language - Find a Bible in more than 250 languages

www.biblegateway.com - Biblegate.com has many versions of the Bible including many different languages plus great study tools

www.ccim.org - Chinese-English web site

www.missionsofgrace.com - The web ministry of Dave Oxenham

servepraylove.blogspot.com - The blog of Kevin Avery

TIBC.org - John Pastored Tulsa International Baptist Church for several years. Most of the sermons listed in the Media section where preached at TIBC.

www.socbc.org - A Church in Oklahoma City ministering to people of Chinese descent.

www.thetask.org - IMB Students :: The Task - International Mission Board website about the remaining task of taking the gospel to the rest of the world (those who have not heard of Jesus)